5 Tips On How to Be Successful at Your New Job

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By Megan Lacombe

Topics: New Job


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5_Tips_On_How_to_Be_Successful_at_Your_New_JobSo you have landed a new job. Congratulations! At Liberty Staffing Services, we wish the best for all of our assignment employees. This is a new and exciting opportunity for you, and we want you to succeed at your job placement. Liberty Staffing would like to offer you some tips on how to be successful at your new job.

1. Be On Time

Set your alarm so that you will be on time for work. Tardiness is unprofessional. We understand that life can be a little hectic sometimes. If you miss your shift, or if you are late to work, please contact Liberty Staffing Services in advance.

2. Ask Questions

Knowledge is power. If you are unsure or confused about your tasks and responsibilities at your new job, ask a supervisor/manager. It never hurts to ask questions. Or, if you have questions regarding your paycheque, paid holidays, or workplace safety, please contact Liberty Staffing Services today.

3. Build Healthy Relationships with Coworkers and Managers

Familiarize yourself with coworkers and supervisors/managers. Having a good relationship with your coworkers and managers instils open communication, and introduces team work. Always remember to keep relationships and communication professional.

4. Have a Positive Attitude

We are excited about this new opportunity for you, and you should be too! Having a positive attitude not only changes the atmosphere of the workplace, but it also makes the work day go by faster. Set a good example for your coworkers by having a positive attitude.

5. Always Be Productive

Offer coworkers or managers assistance if they are behind in their work. Offering a helping hand to others when needed promotes teamwork, and coworkers will be more likely to return the favour in the future. However, don’t fall behind in your own work.

Liberty Staffing Services wishes you the best of luck at your new job! Contact Liberty Staffing and let us know how you are enjoying your experience.

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Megan Lacombe

Megan is a Media Communications professional at Liberty Staffing. She has experience working as a Freelance Writer for a variety of companies online. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, running, and kayaking. An avid reader, she reads anything, anywhere. She puts creativity and passion into everything that she does. Her favourite quote is “Create the things you wish existed” by Anonymous.

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