5 Ways Managers Can Keep Their Employees Engaged and Motivated

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By Megan Lacombe

Topics: Employee Retention


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5_Ways_Managers_Can_Keep_Their_Employees_Engaged_and_MotivatedAre you a manager or supervisor? A great deal of being a manager is giving tasks to your employees, training your employees, and making sure that they're working effectively with other team members in the company. But once you've hired on an employee from Liberty Staffing, and they have been working for you for a couple of years, how can you keep them engaged and motivated? This is a question that is commonly asked by managers who supervise employees with repetitive jobs, and asked by companies who experience high turnover in staff. 

Engaged employees are usually positive, enthusiastic, and focused on their work. It's in your best interest to keep your employees engaged, motivated, and as happy as possible at work. Happy workers means less turnover.  

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Liberty Staffing Services would like to provide you with five tips to help you keep your employees engaged and motivated. Follow these tips to help curb your employees from looking for other work elsewhere. 

1. Pay Increase

Let's be honest - most people are motivated by money. Probably the simplest way for you to keep an employee engaged and motivated is by offering them a pay increase. 

We understand that not all companies have the ability to give out pay increases, especially if they are annually, but if you're able to, we would suggest it. Even if it's a slight pay increase. A little can go a long way. 

2. Job Promotion

Chances are most people working for you are in it because they need to pay the bills, and they want to grow professionally and move up within the company. Most workers leave their current position if they feel that they're in a dead-end job. 

If you have employees that have worked for you for a few years, they're hardworking, and they perform well at their job, offer them a promotion. A promotion will give your staff motivation, and will allow them to learn new things in their new role. 

3. Have Scheduled Meetings

It's incredibly important to check in with your employees, whether it be on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. The meetings don't have to be lengthy. We know how busy you are. However, setting aside some time to speak with each team member individually can help a lot to keep your employees motivated. 

During these meetings, you can discuss recent triumphs and tribulations, and what projects the employee should work on next. Brainstorming short term and long term goals are also a good idea. 

An absent manager may leave your staff feeling neglected, sluggish, and bored. There will be no one there to motivate your team to keep going, and push through difficult tasks. 

4. Make Work Fun

Production and meeting deadlines is important, yes. However, employees that feel they are overworked or stressed in the workplace often quit. To avoid this, make work fun once in awhile! 

Is Halloween coming up? Invite your employees to dress up (in work appropriate costumes that are safe in the work environment, of course). Host a party for the holidays. Have a summer BBQ. Take your team out for lunch. Bring in snacks. Have a bowling night. These are just a few things that you can do to not only make work more exciting and fun, but to also boost teamwork within the workplace. 

5. Set Attainable Goals

Last, but certainly not least, it's important to set attainable goals for your team members. Far-fetched ideas that seem unattainable can really set back the motivation in your employees. Sure, everyone enjoys a challenge now and then, but ideas that are just plain unrealistic are unfair to ask of your employees. You'll be setting them up for failure from the start. 

Ready to get your team motivated? Get to it! Contact Liberty Staffing if you have any questions, or if you need further tips. 


Megan Lacombe

Megan is a Media Communications professional at Liberty Staffing. She has experience working as a Freelance Writer for a variety of companies online. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, running, and kayaking. An avid reader, she reads anything, anywhere. She puts creativity and passion into everything that she does. Her favourite quote is “Create the things you wish existed” by Anonymous.

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