3 Things You Can Learn from a Staffing Agency

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By Lisa Hutchinson

Topics: Staffing Services


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3-Things-You-Can-Learn-from-a-Staffing-Agency.jpgMost people learn how to successfully find a job through trial and error. They’ll make certain predictable mistakes when it comes to job hunting that they’ll later learn was a hindrance in their search. Then there are other people who are never fully sure why their applications aren’t soliciting responses. 

Without external feedback, it can be difficult to know where you’re going wrong. Staffing agencies can save you a lot of time and trouble by guiding you and helping you find a job.

1. How to Put Together a Great Resume

Recruiters look through hundreds of resumes when a job is listed. One of the biggest mistakes job hunters make is assuming that any resume will do when it comes to getting your foot in the door. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. 

With so many resumes to consider, poorly assembled resumes become an easy way for recruiters to eliminate some of the workload. If you’ve passed this test, your resume still needs to stand out and stick with the recruiter as he considers other potential candidates. 

A staffing agency that has been in the business for a while will know exactly what your resume needs to catch the attention of a recruiter or hiring manager. A staffing firm can direct you in areas such as style, format, and relevant information. Your resume is the first impression recruiters will receive; even in a single page, it can tell them a lot about things like your organization skills or attention to detail. Simple things like grammatical errors or disorganized information can sink an otherwise good resume, which is why the guidance of a staffing agency can be so important.

2. The Importance of Marketable Skills

Different jobs require different skill sets, and if you’re using the same template resume for each job, you may not be taking advantage of the opportunity to stand out in terms of the marketable skills that would appeal to that specific company or recruiter.

Staffing agencies can tell you what skills are necessary to work with any given field, and how you should go about emphasizing those skills when applying for jobs. 

At the same time, if you don’t have the skills necessary to work within a certain industry, the staffing agency will spot it right away. There are plenty of ways to build up marketable skills that you may be lacking, and an agency will be able to make you competitive for the job you want by ensuring you receive the proper training. 

Some agencies even offer training sessions of their own that can provide you with a more competitive skill set for your job search.

3. How to Nail the Interview

If your resume is the first impression, the interview is the (hopeful) second impression, and it is equally as important. Recruiters are watching you closely during the interview; they’re observing body language and looking for both professionalism and enthusiasm.

For some people, the interview is an especially difficult process; depending on how introverted you are, you might find it difficult to demonstrate your capabilities within a short period of time.

Coaching for interviews has been proven to be one of the most effective means of getting people ready for an interview. It gives you some idea of what it will be like when you are sitting in front of the recruiter for real, while also allowing you to receive handy feedback from the coaches on where issues arise or where they need further work.

A staffing agency can provide just such coaching for future interviews, teaching you how to make the very best second impression possible.

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Lisa Hutchinson

I started with Liberty Staffing in 2004 as the Regional Business Manager of the London office. I have over 20 years of experience in the customer service and retail sectors, as well as leadership experience including Store Management, People Development and Recruiting. In 2016, our London location moved to a larger office in order to accommodate growth of our business, which included adding a Clerical Division.

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