Looking for a Job in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge Region?
The Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge municipality is growing by leaps and bounds, both in population and industry. According to Statistics Canada, the area's population increased by 51,953 in the past five years for a current total of 575,847. Cambridge, one of Ontario’s foremost industrial centers, has 11,726 businesses in all sectors, which is a 7.3% increase from 2015, according to Statistics Canada.
Due to its robust business community, Cambridge has abundant opportunities for motivated job seekers, especially in the manufacturing industry. This sector employs about 20% of its workforce in 500 manufacturing businesses.
Other industries include engineering, technical consulting, accounting, legal, education, transportation, logistics, finance, and insurance. With thousands of full time jobs in Cambridge and surrounding areas, it is one of the best places to find a job in Ontario.
Employees needed in Cambridge!
- Administrative – receptionist, data entry and office assistant positions
- Assembler – manufacturing, and product assembly jobs
- General Labour – packaging, maintenance and warehouse positions
- Logistics - inventory specialists, shipping and receiving, and customer service representatives
- Metalworks – welders and steel labourers