More people are realizing nowadays that part time work and temporary positions are great options for a first job. Especially with individuals looking to gain experience, taking temporary positions is a great integration into any company. Additionally, employers are starting to be more flexible with their hiring measures, opting to look into temporary workers or contractual workers to fill vacancies, instead of solely looking for full time workers.
Temporary staffing agencies are a great resource for companies to look into to aid in the recruitment of temp staff. If you are looking to hire great temporary staff, you should definitely consider working with a staffing agency. Different agencies also work with a range of clients so you do not have to worry about the industry type or size of your company posing any problem.
If you’re looking to fill positions in your company, here are a few more tips to think about if you are looking to hire great temporary staff.
1. Be Specific with Your Job Descriptions
If you worry that you won’t be able to hire great temporary staff, know that it all starts with writing the right job post. What’s more, you should be selective with who joins your team—don’t be afraid to be thorough with the screening process. You also need to be very particular with the candidate you select.
Temporary workers need to hit the ground running, which means you want to be confident that the amount of training that you provide will set them up for success. In some cases, the temporary worker may have limited time to catch up to where the previous employee left off. Therefore, an essential skill is experience. You need to be sure that the worker you hire will be highly capable from the start.
When using a staffing agency to aid in the recruitment phase, be sure to be as descriptive as possible. This will ensure that the agency sends you the best worker for the job. Furthermore, the agency can also prescreen the candidates to be certain that hiring managers only interview a shortlist of candidates.
2. Hire for Culture
In addition to looking at experience, connecting with the company culture is incredibly vital when hiring great temporary staff.
As an employer, you need to be aware of your company culture. Don’t be removed from the workplace and your staffing unit. Be a presence in your company and observe the work ethic among the employees.
Be aware of what works well in your company and recognize the exceptional workers in your team of staff. Then, assess what it is about those star players that make them great employees. Implement these requirements when looking for temporary staff. This will ensure that you get the most appropriate temporary workers for your business.
3. Be Thorough in the Interview
Especially in peak seasons when you need to boost your workforce within a short time frame, you don’t have time to sift through a pile of resumes and conduct extra interviews. This is another reason to work with temporary staffing agencies. Based on your criteria, they will only send candidates that have the prerequisites for the role.
At this point, you need to recognize exactly what you need from the temporary workers and formulate questions based on that. This will enable you to hire great temporary staff.
Interviewing to fill temporary positions differs from interviewing for full-time positions. This means that in an attempt to hire great temporary staff, you need to be strategic with the questions you ask. Your business will benefit from a speedy hiring process and the confidence of knowing you’re hiring top talent. Working with a staffing agency will ensure that the workers are on their A-game from the first day on the job.