How to Adapt to a New Office Environment

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By Lorna Faires

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How to Adapt to a New Office Environment.jpgSettling into a new office can feel like settling into a new city. Even if you start a new position with years of experience behind you in the same field, you will need to adapt to a new way of doing things. No two jobs are exactly the same.

There is always room to learn more, so show that you are interested in doing so. When it comes to adapting to a new office environment, there are many attitude changes you can adopt to make your transition as easy as possible. Read on to learn more about how to thrive in your new workplace.

Be Aware of the Culture

Gauge the culture in your new workplace and try to assimilate yourself to it. Even if your previous position was in the same industry, every company has its own work culture, so you will need to give yourself time to get used to the office. Regardless of whether or not the position is basically the same as your previous one, things may be done differently in your new company.

Ask Questions

Never feel self-conscious to ask questions. If you don’t understand how something needs to be done, feel confident in inquiring about the appropriate task method from a colleague or supervisor.

It often may be assumed that asking questions would make the person look incapable or inexperienced. This is not the case. Especially if you are new to a role, it is always your best bet to ask, rather than trying to figure it out yourself. It isn’t impressive to know something you don’t. Instead your colleagues will be receptive when you show a willingness to learn.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

Going off the last point, making mistakes when getting settled in a new job is inevitable. Some mistakes are easily avoidable by asking questions, but some mistakes cannot be avoided. This is especially the case if they pertain to the work culture, for example, the dress code, lunch etiquette, meeting etiquette, etc. Some mistakes will be bigger, while others, like putting the staff mugs in the wrong cupboard, will be minuscule.

In the event of a mistake, don’t spend too long feeling bad. You are still in the learning phase; it is all part of the introduction.

Integrate Yourself Gradually

Try not to assert yourself too much right off the bat. This might seem like a strange tip, but remember: in the same way you’re getting used to a new setting, your coworkers are getting used to you. Use your first few days or weeks on the job to observe the mannerisms of others. Be patient with your colleagues and gradually integrate your ideas with those of others.

In addition, be aware of yourself in the workplace. You are just getting acquainted with the people around you. Be conscious of the way you do things and with what you say. Be careful with humour, too. Is there a very formal tone in the office, or is everyone very comfortable with one another? Get to know your coworkers a little more and observe how they interact with one another.


This tip is more important than we often realize. Socializing will give you the opportunity to grasp the office culture a bit more effortlessly. Just because you are the newbie, does not mean you have to wait for others to talk to you. Introduce yourself to your colleagues. This will allow you to create a positive image for yourself in the office and appear friendly and charismatic to your supervisor and colleagues.

Try to take open opportunities to talk to your colleagues and get to know them. If you recognize a coworker at the café nearby, don’t be shy to say hello.


Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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