The London Free Press is currently holding their Best of London Contest for 2017. We are seeking your vote for Favourite Employment Agency in London, Ontario! Last year we won first place in this category. We would love to continue this success.
We need your votes! If you have used our services to gain employment, or if we have helped you find staff for your business, please consider voting for Liberty Staffing Services.
Voting is simple and easy to complete.
To vote:
1. Visit:
2. Enter your contact information on page 1. Then scroll down and select the “next” button.
3. On page 6, under number 167 (Favourite Employment Agency), please type in “Liberty Staffing”.
4. Vote for any other businesses/services you would like, and click the “next” button until you reach the last page of the contest.
5. Once on the last page, select “done” to solidify your voting entries.
Deadline to vote is Sunday, January 22, 2017.
Thank you for voting for Liberty Staffing! We greatly appreciate your continued support of our business. If you have any questions about the contest, or our services, please call (519) 453-9021.