3 Drawbacks of Managing Recruitment Functions In House

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By Lisa Hutchinson

Topics: recruiting agencies


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3_Drawbacks_of_Managing_Recruitment_Functions_In_House.jpgTraditionally, recruitment functions were managed in house. Companies took control of their own recruitment and hiring processes.

But times have changed—many tasks that were traditionally handled in house are now being outsourced with good reason. As businesses try to get lean and mean in order to reduce costs, save time, and eliminate inefficiencies, outsourcing has become a more popular option. And as employers vie for top talent, they understand that the best way to find and hire A-players is to leave the work to the professionals—to the staffing agencies and their recruiters.

The fact is managing recruitment functions in house has a lot of drawbacks, and continuing to do the work yourself just because that’s the way you’ve always done it isn’t a viable excuse.

If you continue to manage these functions in house, here are the drawbacks that you will continue to face, year after year.

1. High Costs and Wasted Time

Recruiting and hiring are business expenses. When you handle these functions in house, you will end up paying for advertising, background checks, skills testing, drug testing, and the other costs that come with the responsibility. If you are managing these functions in house, you will need someone in your office to write job postings, review applications, call up applicants, conduct interviews, and call up references. Translated into a dollar amount, time spent on recruitment and hiring process equates to a large sum of money.

Additionally, the time your HR specialists or managers spend on hiring and recruiting takes them away from their other day-to-day responsibilities. Their productivity suffers. Other work will be left undone until the task of finding new hires is complete. Naturally, reduced productivity and higher costs aren’t good for business.

2. Limited Access to Talent

You want the very best talent in the industry working for your company. But unless you engage a professional firm to help you, you will only have access to a limited talent pool. You’ll use the typical job boards that only put you in touch with mediocre active candidates. You probably won’t spend the time and effort required to build relationships with passive candidates and better talent, because you might not have the knowledge, expertise, or resources needed to do so. And in the end, you’ll be forced to choose among a group of not-so-great candidates. This isn’t the best way to build a stellar workforce.

3. Higher Turnover

Let’s face it: you’re not a recruitment expert and neither are your managers or HR professionals. You hire a few times a year and you probably don’t have the greatest hiring process—you don’t update and modify it when needed, you don’t ensure that all of the critical steps are effectively working, and you don’t use any metrics to base your decisions off of. Though a common problem, it’s one that will lead to problems of a high turnover rate.

Without recruiting and hiring expertise and experience, you won’t know which candidate will really be the best choice, and you’ll find yourself with new hires that don’t stay around very long. That means all the money and time you spent on the hiring process, training, and on-boarding are wasted. And as a result your productivity will suffer while you search for a replacement.

Partner with the Experts

To avoid these drawbacks, you should partner with the hiring experts—a staffing firm. This will allow you to reduce your costs and eliminate wasted time in house, provide you with access to better talent, and allow you to make the best hiring decisions from the start in order to improve your turnover rate. Using a staffing firm is a great strategic business decision.

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Lisa Hutchinson

I began my career with Liberty Staffing Services in 2004 as the Regional Business Manager of the London branch. Now, as a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use the knowledge and experience gained over the years in the staffing industry to focus on building strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the “go-to” person for any issues that may arise, and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. In my down time, I love spending time with my kids and family. My favourite vacation is a nice quiet cottage on the water.

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