3 Tips for Creating a Successful Return to Office Plan for Employees

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3-Tips-for-Creating-a-Successful-Return-to-Office-Plan-for-EmployeesWhen will it be time to call your workers back to the office? After more than a year at home, many Canadians are eager to get back to the workplace, even though there are also some things that people are hesitant about. 

If you’re looking for in-person workers for your company, we are here to help. Contact Liberty Staffing today to find out more about how we can help you find great workers, especially if you have had a reduction in staff during the pandemic. 

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Developing a great “return to the office” plan will help your employees feel prepared, protected, and ready for the next steps!

1. Remember That Not Everyone Feels the Same About Returning to Work 

While some workers are definitely eager to get back to the office, others are hesitant. It’s normal and okay that people have different ideas about what the best strategy is for reopening physical workplaces. 

Some of your workers may live with high-risk individuals who are worried about getting sick. Not everyone has had a chance to get vaccinated yet, or they live with children who aren’t yet vaccinated. Some people have thrived on the experience of working from home and aren’t looking forward to the return. 

As a manager or employer, you can set the tone for the return to work by being respectful of the wide range of feelings people have. When you demonstrate that you understand where people are coming from, you are creating a positive work environment where everyone feels heard

2. Follow All Local, Provincial, and Federal Guidelines for COVID-19 Management

Consider appointing a knowledgeable and qualified individual to run your company’s COVID-19 return-to-work response, if you haven’t already. This person’s responsibilities can include monitoring current rules and regulations, interpreting health guidance, and creating good policies for your company.

Following the requirements in your area will not just help your workers feel safer, but it will also limit the likelihood of a COVID-19 outbreak in your work environment. You will also avoid fines and penalties that accompany rule-breaking. 

3. Be Prepared for a Hybrid Workforce

Once being in the office is the standard for your company, there may be times when you still need to have people working from home. 

A more lenient sick policy will allow people to stay home if they have cold or flu symptoms. In the past, people often worked through viruses and other illnesses because they wanted to get their job done. Today, many employers are recommending that workers stay home if they are symptomatic of any illness. However, these workers may not be sick enough to really take the day off, and you may choose to let people work from home in this situation. 

Another situation that could arise is the likelihood that some of your staff may be quarantined due to COVID-19 exposure, either in the workplace, outside of the workplace, or because of someone in their home. 

Brush up on managing hybrid teams so that your team continues to get work done, rather than losing productivity when people are stuck at home. 

Find the Best Team with Liberty Staffing

Like many employers in Ontario, you may find yourself in need of new employees. A staffing company can help! We have connections with workers in countless industries who are ready to start work right away! Check out the services we provide to employers who choose Liberty Staffing and contact us when you’re ready!

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Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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