5 Benefits for Job Seekers Who Partner with a Temp Agency in Guelph

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By Lorna Faires

Topics: Job Search


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5-Benefits-for-Job-Seekers-Who-Partner-with-a-Temp-Agency-in-Guelph.jpgIf you’re unemployed and looking for your next job, you may be wondering if you should work with a temp agency in Guelph. For job seekers, there are many benefits of partnering with temp agencies and getting temporary work assignments. Here are five benefits of finding work through a temp agency in Guelph.

1. Earn Income during Your Job Search

Finding a full-time job can take a while, and while you’re job hunting, you still need to eat, pay rent, and pay all your bills. Being unemployed can put a lot of stress on your finances, and you may be forced to take the first full-time job you’re offered, even if you don’t want it.

When you work with a temp agency, you can earn money while you’re searching for a full-time job. Since you’ll be earning an income, you’ll feel less pressure to take any job you’re offered. You can wait until you find the right full-time job. Plus, it’s easier to find work when you’re already employed, so working through a temp agency can make your job search easier.

2. Gain Experience for Your Resume

When you work with a temp agency in Guelph, you may get the opportunity to work with a variety of employers in different industries. By working in varied environments, you pick up varied experience and skills to put on your resume. This experience can make you a more appealing candidate for future employers.

After you finish each temp assignment, take a few minutes to update your resume. Add the new skills you learned and experience you gained on the job. Over time, you’ll have the experience you need to get a full-time job.

3. Grow Your Network

At every temp job you take, you’ll meet new people and grow your network. The coworkers you befriend or the supervisors you impress could be the key to getting hired somewhere else in the future. These connections may recommend you for open roles, provide references, or even start their own businesses and hire you themselves.

You never know where your connections will end up in the future, so make a habit of staying in touch with the people you meet. Creating a LinkedIn accountis an easy way to do this. Before you leave a temp job, connect with your coworkers and supervisors on the network. 

4. Keep Your Skills up to Date

When you’re unemployed for an extended period, you can lose skills that you need to get hired. If you’re not using your skills on a regular basis, you may get rusty. Long-term unemployment can lead to skills becomingoutdated due to rapid changes in technology or workplace practices.

To avoid losing your skills, you need to use them. Working with a temp agency is a great way to ensure your skills stay up to date. Through temping, you’ll get the chance to practise your job skills, and you’ll be able to learn new skills as technology changes. By the time you get a full-time job, your skills will still be fresh.

5. Work toward a Full-Time Job

It takes a lot of commitment to hire someone full time. Employers need to be sure they’re hiring the best people for the job. If they make bad hiring decisions, they have to start the hiring process from the beginning. Some employers offer temp-to-perm opportunities to resolve this problem. They can see how temp employees perform on the job, and if they’re the right fit, they can be converted to full-time employees.

This arrangement is beneficial for job seekers because it helps you get your foot in the door. A company may not take a chance on you as a full-time worker, but may be willing to hire you as a temp. Once you start, you can work hard to impress the employer, and you may get offered a full-time position.


Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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