5 Proven Benefits of Using Temporary Staffing

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By Lisa Hutchinson

Topics: temp staffing


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5_Proven_Benefits_of_Using_Temporary_Staffing.jpgAn increasing number of employers are now opting to bring on temporary workers instead of hiring new permanent staff. And there’s a reason for this shift in the market: using temporary workers has a number of benefits, including cost savings, increased flexibility, and specialized skills.

But recruiting and hiring temp workers can be an arduous function to handle in-house. The time commitment, costs, and hassles of hiring aren’t worth it when it comes to temporary workers who will be around for just a short time. The ROI isn’t there.

That’s why so many companies are turning to temp staffing agencies for their hiring needs. The benefits of using temporary staffing services are numerous.

1. Added Expertise

The recruiters that work at staffing firms have expertise that you likely don’t in-house. They understand current hiring trends, opportunities, and challenges. They know hiring best practices. They know how to interview effectively. They know how to stay compliant with hiring laws and regulations. They know how to recruit outside of the box. And they know what pay scales and perks are required to hire top talent. The added expertise you’ll receive from working with recruiters will ensure that your recruiting and hiring are as streamlined, efficient, and effective as possible.

2. High-Quality Candidates

Even though your temporary workers will only be with you for a short period of time, they still need to know what they’re doing to get the job done right. You don’t have time for extensive training. And you don’t want to risk errors being made or accidents and injuries occurring at your workplace.

When you partner with the right temp staffing agency, you’ll get access to higher quality candidates who have the exact experience, skills, certifications, and education that you need. You’ll get to hire the perfect candidates that match your talent needs.

3. Bigger Talent Pool

When hiring in-house, you might just get applications from a bunch of duds that aren’t qualified. That’s because you’re likely focusing your recruiting efforts on active candidates found on online job boards. You need to widen your reach to include highly sought-after but elusive passive candidates who aren’t found on job boards. Your recruiters will find talent in more places so you’ll benefit from a bigger candidate pool to choose from.

4. Faster Hiring

Often, the reason you need to hire temp workers is because employees have suddenly called in sick, went on leave, or quit without notice. In these cases, you simply don’t have the time to go through a long in-house hiring process. You need more hands on deck immediately. One of the more critical benefits of using temporary staffing services is that you’ll be able to hire faster. Make a call to your agency and you’ll have temp workers on site in a matter of days, and sometimes, even on the same day.

5. Save Time and Money

Writing job descriptions, reviewing applications, performing interviews and calling up references—all of these recruiting and hiring tasks take up a lot of time, which translates into an expense. And the costs of advertising open jobs, performing drug testing, background checks, and skills assessments can be too much to bear when it comes to hiring temp workers. Two of the main benefits of using temporary staffing services are that you don’t have to spend any time in-house on these processes, and you don’t have to spend a dime on these costs. The staffing agency will handle it all.

When you need to hire temporary workers, partner with a staffing agency. The benefits of using temporary staffing services are numerous—you’ll gain added expertise, get high-quality candidates from a bigger talent pool, be able to hire faster, and save time and money.

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Lisa Hutchinson

I began my career with Liberty Staffing Services in 2004 as the Regional Business Manager of the London branch. Now, as a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use the knowledge and experience gained over the years in the staffing industry to focus on building strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the “go-to” person for any issues that may arise, and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. In my down time, I love spending time with my kids and family. My favourite vacation is a nice quiet cottage on the water.

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