5 Reasons You Should Use a Temp Staffing Agency to Find Your Next Job

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5-Reasons-You-Should-Use-a-Temp-Staffing-Agency-to-Find-Your-Next-JobOften, when job seekers hear the term “temp staffing,” they roll their eyes instinctively. They thought they finally found a job worth applying for before suddenly realizing that it’s a temporary position offered through a temp staffing agency.

The staffing industry has had a bad rap for decades. But it’s completely unwarranted. The fact is when you’re looking to find your next job you should consider using a temp staffing agency. Working with an agency can make your job search more successful. Here are five reasons why you should use one to find your next job.

1. Companies Use Them

Companies understand the benefits of using temporary workers and staffing agencies, and more and more businesses are getting on board. In fact, many have stopped using job boards completely and exclusively use staffing agencies to find new employees. That’s probably why the awesome job at that great company that you’ve been hoping for is never posted on the job boards that you use. Your temp staffing agency will have access to hidden markets. It will be able to give you options that were previously unavailable to you—options that you never even knew existed.

2. The Agency Will Work Hard on Your Behalf

You have the ultimate stake in your success when it comes to finding your next job. You know that if you don’t find employment soon, your bills are going to keep piling up, as will your debt. And if you don’t find the right job, you’ll be back in the unemployment line. But you’re not the only one with a stake in your success when you use a temporary staffing agency. The agency is paid by employers to find great temps. So your representatives will be working hard to find you opportunities that match your interests, qualifications, and experience, because the better fit you are at a job, the better the agency looks.

3. Gain Skills, Experience

While you’re searching for your dream job, it can’t hurt to gain some new skills and experience while paying your bills. You can still keep looking for a permanent job, but you can build your resume and advance your career as you wait. Staffing agencies don’t just place you in low-level jobs. There are many niche agencies that specialize in placing candidates in a wide variety of different positions and industries, so the work experience you get will be relevant to the career you’re looking to get into.

4. Get a Foot in the Door

When you try to find your next job on your own it can be difficult to even get someone to call you back. When you don’t have the right connections, you’re going to face a lot of closed doors. But with a temp staffing agency on your side, those doors suddenly open—it’s the connection you need to get into your field. With every assignment you get, you’ll meet new colleagues, higher management officials, and other professionals. You can nurture these relationships so you can expand your network in the industry you hope to work in permanently.

5. Not so Temporary?

Not all temp jobs stay that way. In fact, many companies use temp workers as a way to test them out before offering them full-time positions. Though some people prefer to work temp jobs for the flexibility or for myriad other reasons, those looking for permanent jobs shouldn’t discount temp work. If you prove yourself as a temp, you may just get an offer for a full-time, permanent position.

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Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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