A Canadian Staffing Agency Can Help You Avoid These 5 Hiring Mistakes

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By Lisa Hutchinson

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A Canadian Staffing Agency Can Help You Avoid These 5 Hiring Mistakes.jpgMore job seekers and employers are looking into staffing agencies as they increase in popularity. To eliminate any misconceptions about staffing agencies and gain the best reputation among potential job seekers, you should anticipate common hiring mistakes and plan to avoid them.

When you work with a Canadian staffing agency, you have a helping hand with any errors you’ve previously made when it comes to hiring. What’s more, you can remedy those errors rather than repeat them.

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Below are five hiring mistakes you avoid when you work with a Canadian staffing agency.

1. Missing Candidate Details

When finding the most suitable candidates for an available position, it’s important to get all the necessary information from potential talent. The more detailed the job description, the more accurate you can be when looking for potential hires.

One of the hiring mistakes often made comes down to not being on the same page as the job seeker. It is essential that you ask the right questions of your staffing services so that there is no misunderstanding about the type of position your company is looking to fill.

2. Not Learning from Past Mistakes

If a candidate you hired in the past did not work out, consider the reason why. Turn your previous hiring mistakes into a learning opportunity and avoid repeating your errors. To maintain a status as a reputable and trustworthy business, no matter your industry, you want to ensure the least amount of hiring mistakes. The best way to do this is to work with a staffing agency.

3. Narrow Focus

Working with a Canadian staffing agency allows you access to a wide array of connections that job seekers or companies may not have the means of finding. You have the opportunity to delve into networks not easily accessible to others. Therefore, when looking for prospective hires for companies or potential jobs for individuals, try not to look at just one place. Explore all the options you have available.

Additionally, broaden your search. People aren’t opposed to expanding their commute if the job is one they really want. Don’t be opposed to expanding your search to areas a bit further from the vicinity of the job.

4. Misreading Resumes

Resumes are sometimes rejected once an error is spotted. When you enlist the help of a staffing agency, you get expert support in reading resumes in depth. What’s more, the staffing agency sees more resumes than you would imagine, so they have a trained eye in spotting hiring potential in candidates.

When it comes to reading resumes, sometimes the simpler ones are an indicator of a more promising candidate (compared to an overly bloated resume). A resume that seems too perfect could be highly exaggerated. Staffing agencies help you avoid these resume-reading mistakes.

When communicating with your staffing agency, make sure both soft skills and hard skills are defined. Discuss both with job seekers when it comes down to the interviews, too. In doing so, you can avoid resume reading mistakes and ensure you make the right hire.

5. Broad Candidate Pool

Companies hire staffing agencies to aid in the recruitment process because managers don’t often have enough time to go through all the applicants for a position. When you enlist the help of a staffing agency, you get a narrowed-down list of candidates before you’ve even started looking through resumes. Your time is valuable, avoid the mistake of mismanaged time by enlisting the help of a staffing agency to help you find the best talent.

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Lisa Hutchinson

I began my career with Liberty Staffing Services in 2004 as the Regional Business Manager of the London branch. Now, as a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use the knowledge and experience gained over the years in the staffing industry to focus on building strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the “go-to” person for any issues that may arise, and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. In my down time, I love spending time with my kids and family. My favourite vacation is a nice quiet cottage on the water.

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