Making good hiring decisions is vital to the success of your business. Your employees are your greatest assets and you need to choose them wisely. Though it’s a critical function, hiring also comes with certain risks and can be expensive and time intensive. Companies are increasingly utilizing staffing agencies to handle this important but risky and costly business responsibility.
When you need to hire new employees, working with a staffing company to find qualified candidates can significantly improve your business. Here’s how.
Hire Right the First Time
Virtually every hiring manager has had to deal with the consequences of making a bad hire. It’s easy to be sucked in by a candidate’s charm, choose a mediocre candidate due to limited options or a time crunch, or fail to properly vet applicants to be able to weed out the bad. When you partner up with a staffing company, you can ensure that you hire the right candidate the first time around. You won’t have to deal with a new hire that quickly becomes a burden on your company.
Staffing firms have access to tools, technology, resources, market intelligence, and expertise that allows them to excel at both recruiting and hiring.
Hire Quickly
When you tackle hiring new employees in-house, the entire process could take grueling weeks or even months to complete. Your managers are busy with their day-to-day responsibilities, so they might only be squeezing in time to review resumes or perform interviews when they have an opening in their schedules. And when you’re only getting applications from unqualified job seekers, the process can take even longer as you expand your search criteria and post additional job ads.
Unfortunately, the longer your open positions remain vacant, the more damage they do to your company. You’ll be facing a loss of productivity while the work piles up. Or, alternatively, you might be risking overworking and burning out your other staff members while you add the extra work to their already large set of responsibilities, which can lead to low morale. This can also lead to expensive overtime costs.
Your staffing company, though, will have a large network of qualified candidates to call on whenever you have an opening, and its recruiters will be able to work on your needs full time until the position is filled, so you’ll be able to hire quicker, and reduce the consequences that come with vacant positions.
Hire Only When You Need To
Sometimes you need a special project taken care of. Other times, you have a sudden influx of work. Oftentimes, you’ll be short-staffed due to sick leave, emergencies, or vacations. Or, perhaps you want to increase your workforce without financial risk in order to expand your operations.
When you work with a staffing company, you get to choose from experienced and even specialized workers who are happy to work for your company on a temporary basis. Whatever hiring needs you have at the moment, whether it’s short-term or long-term, your staffing company will be able to deliver. This hiring flexibility will allow you to hire only when you need to instead of wasting money on labour costs when hiring permanent employees that you don’t necessarily need. Your workforce will always match your workload, so you’ll save money and increase efficiencies.
Test Out Employees before Making a Commitment
Wouldn’t you love to be able to test out employees before making a financial commitment to hiring them on permanently? When you hire through a staffing company, you can do this. You can reduce your risk of making a bad hire by trying before you buy, so to speak. You can hire a worker on a temporary basis in order to see how well he fits in and how well he works before committing to hiring him full time. This will allow your business to have the strongest workforce possible, with no duds on staff.