How Local Staffing Agencies Can Help You Find a Job

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By Lorna Faires

Topics: Staffing Services


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How Local Staffing Agencies Can Help You Find a Job.jpgWith low unemployment across the country and a job-rich market, you might think it’s going to be a breeze to land a job. While there are talent shortages in a number of different industries, including construction, manufacturing, and more, landing a job is still an uphill trek for many job seeker

 Why is it still so difficult to land a job? Employers are still on the hunt for the best employees. Even in a job-rich market, they’re not giving up their quest for talent. If you’re stumped about how to proceed with your job search, a local staffing agency could be the helping hand you’re looking for. 

Looking for a job? Let Liberty Staffing connect you to the jobs you want. Apply  today!

What Do They Do?

Many staffing agencies are large, nationally operated firms with few ties to your local community. As a result, they tend to hire for remote positions. Their operations are also centralized in a different location. They may not know the employers in your local area, and they may not have good relationships with the managers who are hiring. They can submit your resume, but there’s no guarantee you’ll get looked at. 

A local staffing agency, like Liberty Staffing, on the other hand, operates in your community. While they may have branch offices in many different cities or even different provinces, they also put roots down in the places they operate. They learn about the community and create long-lasting relationships with local employers.

Getting Noticed

Since local agencies are well known in their communities and maintain relationships with local employers, they have a much better chance of getting you noticed when they do submit your application. 

Furthermore, local employers work directly with local agencies to find the perfect candidates for the roles they need filled. Other, larger staffing agencies may be able to submit your application to a job posting, but it doesn’t necessarily mean the employer will look at it. Local staffing agencies have won the trust and respect of the companies they work with on a regular basis.

Say Goodbye to Commuting

Some larger staffing agencies work with firms that are looking for talent no matter where it comes from. A large agency might ask you to consider jobs located in a city that’s a two-hour commute away. They may even ask you to consider work in another province.

Even if employers are committed to finding the best talent, very few of them actually prefer candidates who need to commute or move from outside of town. They’d much rather hire locally. There are many benefits for the employer. For you, it means you can say goodbye to commuting.

It’s one reason employers prefer to work with local staffing agencies over companies with fewer ties to the community.

Access to More Jobs

Local staffing agencies may also be the only way to access certain jobs. Some employers post their open positions through local staffing agencies alone, hoping to keep their searches local and streamlined. They don’t want candidates applying from all corners of the globe.

As a result, local agencies may actually have access to more jobs than you can find on your own. After all, if you’re searching LinkedIn or Workopolis but certain employers don’t post their jobs there, you won’t be able to find them and apply.

Good for Everyone

Since local staffing agencies are more involved in their communities, working with them has benefits for everyone. You as the job seeker get greater access to jobs, plus the expertise and experience of a recruiting team with specialized knowledge of the local job market. Employers find the talent they need locally.

It’s win-win for everyone when you work with a local staffing agency, like Liberty Staffing, to find your next job.


Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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