How to On-Board Your New Temp Workers

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By Lisa Hutchinson

Topics: New Temp Workers


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How-to-On-Board-Your-New-Temp-WorkersEasing your temp workers into their new roles at your company is more difficult than doing so with permanent workers. After all, it can take days or weeks for employees to get acclimated to a new work environment. But when your new temp workers are only with you for a short time, you must speed up the initial on-boarding process in order to have temps who are happy and comfortable at your company, and thus, will work their best.

Use this helpful advice, and you’ll on-board your new temp workers in no time.

Have an On-boarding Process in Place

Your on-boarding efforts shouldn’t be haphazard and random. You don’t just do it when you have spare time, and you don’t only on-board some new temp workers and ignore the rest. To get your temporary workforce working at its full potential from the first day, you must follow an on-boarding process. You may think that your new temp employees can hit the ground running, and though many will have the skills needed to get the job done, they won’t be confident unless they get a rundown of your company culture and environment. This can affect their work. Your temporary staffing agency can help you develop an on-boarding program for your company.

Get the Whole Team on Board

Often, the biggest barrier to your new temp workers getting acclimated to your business is your permanent staff. When permanent employees work with temps, they often think of them as an inconvenience that will soon be gone. So why bother getting to know them? When your whole team is pleasant and helpful with your new temp workers, instead of ignoring them, your business can run smoother. Remind your team that the temps are there to make their jobs easier, to help. And lead by example—your staff will follow suit.

Get the Paperwork Out of the Way Before They Start

Your new temp workers should be able to start immediately. It can hurt your business to spend too much time having them sign paperwork, read through safety and training modules, and learn the office rules and regulations. You can get a lot of this paperwork out of the way before your temps step into your workplace. This can be done through your staffing agency or via the internet. You’ll save valuable time and your temps will be productive much sooner.

Clarify Their Roles

It will be easier for your new temp workers to get acclimated to your business if they have information ahead of time. Before they start, or on their first day, make sure to clarify their roles, their duties, and their priorities so there are no miscommunications. If possible, tell them how long the assignment will last and let them know of any possibility for full-time opportunities if there are any.

Assign a Mentor

As the head of your company, you might not have time to dedicate to every temp worker you have. To make sure your temps get a tour of the facility, learn how things are done, get introduced to the rest of the team, and have someone to go to if they are uncomfortable or have any questions, assign them a mentor that can be a liaison. This mentor should check in throughout the assignment to make sure everything is going well.

Properly on-boarding your new temp employees through an on-boarding program can help your business run smoother and increase your temps’ rate of success. When workers feel comfortable in their new environment because they have the right information and support, they’ll be more productive.

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Lisa Hutchinson

I began my career with Liberty Staffing Services in 2004 as the Regional Business Manager of the London branch. Now, as a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use the knowledge and experience gained over the years in the staffing industry to focus on building strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the “go-to” person for any issues that may arise, and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. In my down time, I love spending time with my kids and family. My favourite vacation is a nice quiet cottage on the water.

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