Spring brings graduation gowns and caps for plenty of university and college students. After the excitement of getting your degree or diploma fades, though, you’ll likely find yourself scouring job ads and setting up job alerts on LinkedIn.
As you face down the start of what could be a long job search, you may wonder if there’s a way to make it easier.
Applying to a staffing agency like Liberty Staffing Services is a smart move for university graduates. Here’s why working with Liberty Staffing might be one of the best moves you can make as you kick off your career.
We Know Where to Look
As a new university graduate, you might not have much experience with the job market. You may have worked odd jobs or had temporary summer employment. To apply for those jobs, though, you may have answered calls on large job boards or even applied in person with local employers.
Where do you look for employment in your field? That’s a question new graduates sometimes have difficulty answering. You might not be aware of niche job boards or employers in your industry.
At Liberty Staffing, we can help you find more opportunities because we know where to look for them. We have a better knowledge of local employers and the jobs available in your industry.
Applying to the Right Opportunities
Another reason to work with Liberty Staffing is that our recruiters can help you determine which opportunities you should apply to as a new grad.
Recruiters use their expertise to help you in assessing various job opportunities. You may think you’re not qualified for a position, but the recruiter’s insights say otherwise.
Since recruiters have a wider network of clients, we are also aware of opportunities you didn’t consider before. If you’re looking for work in administration, for example, you might not have considered office work in the construction industry or mining. Working with a staffing agency can open your eyes.
Help With Your Resume
Another perk of working with the experts at Liberty is that we can work with you to improve your applications.
Recruiters know what employers are looking for. We can offer you feedback on your resume and help you structure it for automated review and screening by recruitment software.
We can also give you advice on cleaning up your social media, so you can present your very best self to potential employers.
Getting Hands on Experience
Working with a staffing firm could also be an excellent way of getting your foot in the door in your field.
Often, getting practical experience is key. You might not start off in your dream position, but many of the positions a recruiter fills will help you build the skills you need for a successful career.
Get Started Today
Working with Liberty Staffing can help you get your career off the ground after graduation. Get in touch with us today and find out how we can help you.