5 Must-Haves When Onboarding Your Administrative Assistant

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5-Must-Haves-When-Onboarding-Your-Administrative-AssistantMost offices would cease to function without an administrative assistant. Having a great person in your administrative assistant role means that everything runs smoothly in the office, and you can focus on productivity, leadership, and growth. Find your next highly qualified administrative assistant by working with Liberty Staffing. We are one of the top staffing agencies in Ontario and have matched countless administrative assistants with great companies. 

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We have put together a checklist of all the essential “must-haves” when it comes to onboarding a new administrative assistant. 

Clear Communication Before the Job Starts

Before your assistant’s first day, they should already have a lot of information about the job. Never keep somebody in the dark for a moment longer than necessary; make sure they know the most important details about the job description, pay rate, workplace culture, performance expectations, dress code, etc. 

Contract Paperwork and Handbooks

Whether you are hiring someone to come into the physical office or you’re bringing on a virtual assistant to work from home, you’ll need to have all of the onboarding documentation ready on the first day. 

Your new admin’s contract will need to include the job description, performance expectations, wage and benefits information. Whatever employee handbooks you provide to your workers should be provided to your admin assistant as well.

A Strategy for Introducing the New Hire to the Team

If your new admin is going to be working in the office, schedule a meet-and-greet so that they can get to know the people in your department or area. If the new hire is working remotely, a virtual event can work just as well. Schedule a time when your team can say hello. 

When hiring a new administrative assistant, keep in mind that they are likely to be in a client-facing position as well as working with your entire office or division. There are a lot of new faces and names to remember. Consider providing a helpful “cheat sheet” that lists names, titles, and relevant details for the people they will be working with. Adding pictures will help even more! 

A Training Schedule

What should your admin expect during their first week on the job? How will you train them to perform the tasks associated with their new position? 

Provide your new admin with a training schedule for the first week. This won’t just keep them informed, though. It will also nudge you to create a strong plan for the first week that ensures that they are equipped to perform their job responsibilities. 

Tech Support

Whenever someone new joins the team in an administrative position, there are a lot of technical issues to consider. Be sure to leave time in the first week for the implementation of new accounts, log-ins, apps, computers, devices, and more. 

Have tech support nearby in case of hiccups along the way!

Need Quality Administrative Assistant Support?

Trying to function without admin support tends to be disastrous, so we understand the importance of finding someone to fill those open positions quickly. 

Because administrative support staff performs such vital roles in the office, it’s also important to find someone who is qualified, confident, and skilled. This is where Liberty Staffing comes in. We help employers and managers (like you) find the best possible employees. While we don’t only help employers find administrative talent, it is definitely one of our strengths! 

We can help you find someone who can do the tasks of the job without hesitation — someone who picks up skills quickly, adapts easily to a new work environment, and provides outstanding professional support to your office. 

Contact Liberty Staffing today to find a great administrative assistant right away!

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Bethany Gallea

As the Regional Business Manager for our Woodstock office, I bring over 10 years of management experience in the service industry with a focus on building strong client relationships and getting results. My key focus has always been on people. Whether recruiting, staffing, training, or coaching, I try to create a safe, fun, and trusting environment for all. Some of my favourite activities/hobbies include playing with my kids, walking with our dog, and trying new recipes. Nothing says quality time like family, good friends, and great food!

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