If you've got a phone interview lined up in the near future, it's important to be on your A-game. After all, employers often use phone interviews to pre-screen candidates, to determine if they would be a good fit for the company, and to see if the candidate is truly interested in the position. Phone interviews are basically an entry point, in which if the phone interview is successful, you could gain the position, or land you a spot for a secondary, in-person interview. In either case, it's imperative that you give it your all during a phone interview.
Here are five phone interview tips to help you land the job. Read on.
1. Don't Eat or Drink
This is a big no-no. Don't eat or drink anything during your phone interview. Eating or drinking while you're performing a phone interview can come off as rude, and possibly obnoxious, to the employer.
Most phone interviews are planned and scheduled in advance by both parties, so it's best to eat or drink something before your interview begins. If your phone interview is not planned, and the employer calls you on the spot, be sure to leave eating or drinking until after the call has ended.
2. Speak Slowly and Clearly
If the hiring manager wishes to conduct a phone interview with you, this means that they feel you have great potential for the role. The employer wants to get to know you in this phone interview, so it's important to speak as slowly and clearly as possible. Don't let your nerves, or excitement, get the better of you. Be clear, concise, and take some time to reflect on the questions that are being asked of you before you answer.
3. Have Your Resume Handy
It's a good idea to have your resume in front of you while talking on the phone with the potential employer. You can use your resume as a reference point for dates of employment, skills and abilities, and tasks that you have completed at your last place of employment. Having your resume as a reference point can help you answer any questions thrown your way in a concise, and fast-paced manner.
4. Don't Interrupt the Interviewer
Interrupting the interviewer is not something that you want to do during a phone interview. This can come off as very rude, and in most cases, an employer will not want to hire you if your manners are not up to par. Leave any questions or comments that you may have until the interviewer has stopped speaking, or wait until the end of the phone interview.
5. Limit Background Noise
Another big no-no is to have a lot of noise in the background during a phone interview. Be sure to turn off any electronics, and move to a room that is free of noise or any distraction. It's only professional and courteous to limit the background noise as much as possible during a phone interview.
For more phone interview tips, please contact Liberty Staffing. We would be happy to help you. Best of luck with your phone interview!