5 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance

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By Lorna Faires

Topics: Work-Life Balance


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5-Tips-for-a-Better-Work-Life-BalanceFeeling overwhelmed by work is common, but that doesn’t mean it has to be normal. Work-life balance is possible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by an imbalance between your work responsibilities and everything else you want to do in life, this list should help! 

If your current job doesn’t allow you to develop the work-life balance you need, it may be time to find something new. Liberty Staffing is here to help you find the kind of position you need. Contact us today to make a change. 

Looking for a job? Let Liberty Staffing connect you to the jobs you want. Apply  today!

These are our best pieces of advice for anyone who is seeking a more manageable balance between their work life and their personal life!

1. Become a Planner

If you are feeling overwhelmed by school, family, work, and social commitments, you may need to make some organizational changes to your life.

For example, using a calendar app will help you keep track of appointments, shifts, special events, holidays, birthdays, and all kinds of other important details. 

The more you can plan ahead, the more “under control” your life is going to feel. Many calendar programs allow you to merge several different calendars into one, so you can easily see your work commitments and your family or personal commitments at the same time. 

Use a calendar or digital planner to avoid overscheduling yourself. 

2. Request a Consistent Work Schedule

Some careers have more consistency than others. Even if you are in a field that requires a lot of shift flexibility, speak to your manager about having some predictability in your schedule from week to week. This will allow you to participate in other activities that run on a weekly or monthly basis. 

3. Communicate with Your Manager

Communication is so important. Sometimes, the fear of being perceived as “needy” or “high maintenance” prompts people to avoid communicating their needs with their managers. We encourage employers to communicate with their managers about important events and commitments.

There may be solutions to schedule conflicts that you don’t know about because your manager doesn’t know to loop you into the discussion. 

If you are in school, don’t forget to talk to your manager about your weekly schedule and your schedule during finals and holidays. 

4. Take Time Off When You Need to

Canada’s workforce is protected by labour laws that ensure time off for all federally regulated employees.

Time off can leave you feeling refreshed and renewed! Even if you don’t have a big vacation planned, be sure to take advantage of your protected breaks and holidays. Get some rest, get away from the stress of your job, and enjoy your well-earned time off!

5. Consider Switching Employers

Sometimes it’s time for a career change! If you find yourself working for a company that doesn’t respect your time, you have options. Today’s hiring managers are feeling the pressure of being under-staffed in a lot of industries, which means that you are in a great position as a job seeker! 

A staffing agency like Liberty Staffing can help alleviate the pressure. We can connect you with an employer who will respect you and your commitments. We consider ourselves successful when workers and employers develop a positive relationship built on mutual trust and respect. 

Talk to Liberty Staffing about Making a Change

If you find yourself frustrated and overwhelmed by an imbalance in your work-life and personal life, reach out to Liberty Staffing

We are ready to help you make a change that helps you find meaningful work and a much better work-life balance. 


Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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