Some may find working full time demanding. When you work forty hours a week, have a long commute, have to prepare meals, have children to care for, all the while trying to stay fit and be healthy, you may be feeling worn thin.
Life can be stressful, but your work shouldn't be putting an extra strain on your life. If you're feeling overwhelmed, Liberty Staffing would like to provide you with some tips to help you achieve the perfect work-life balance.
1. Manage Your Time Wisely
A lot of people say that there is just not enough time in the day for everything. But if you manage your time wisely, we are sure that you will be able to get things done.
Unfortunately procrastination plays a key role in how productive a person can be. Instead of procrastinating, try to focus on the task at hand as much as you can. Once the task is complete, than you can go ahead and do what you'd like to do.
By managing your time wisely, and avoiding procrastination, you should have more time to focus on your personal life and family.
2. Unplug After Work
A huge mistake that many professionals in the workforce make is not unplugging after work hours. With advancement in technology making it easy for workers to check email, research, and connect with others on a professional level, employees are always in some way attached to the workplace, even if they're not physically there.
When your work day is over, be sure to unplug your technology devices for at least a few hours. You need this time away from work to recharge and spend time with your family. Don't get caught up in checking your emails after hours. It can wait until the next business day.
3. Prioritize Your Health and Family
Your overall health, happiness, and the well being of your family should be your main priority in life. Without these three things, you are nothing.
Unfortunately, when work seems overbearing and stressful, a lot of people try to work through it and forget to take care of themselves. They work longer hours to try to catch up, or get the work complete. Be careful of this, as you will have a greater risk to become sick from being overworked, and overworked workers are more susceptible to workplace injury.
Workplace safety is our number one priority, and as an employee, it should be yours as well.
4. Right to Say "No"
If your supervisor asks you to stay after hours to help out, or if your manager asks you to complete work-related tasks outside of business hours, you always have the right to say "no". You especially have the right to refuse work if you believe the work could be detrimental to your health. Being overworked could potentially be detrimental to your health.
We understand that being a team player means that you are pitching in and helping out your coworkers. While that is great, don't be afraid to say no to your hiring manager, especially if they ask you to complete tasks that are outside of your job description, or regular working hours.
A good manager will understand that you have a life outside of work.
5. Make Sure That You Enjoy Your Job
If you truly enjoy the line of work that you are in, you probably won't be stressing about finding that perfect work-life balance. This is your dream job, and dream jobs shouldn't feel like tedious, or strenuous, work.
If you're finding it hard to motivate yourself to get up and go to work, or you just don't like the responsibilities that the job entails, it's probably time to make a career change.
Looking for the perfect job? Contact Liberty Staffing today! We will work with your requirements to find you the perfect position, ensuring that you will achieve that perfect work-life balance.