5 Ways to Ensure a Great Morning Commute to Work

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By Megan Lacombe

Topics: New Job


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5_Ways_to_Ensure_a_Great_Morning_Commute_to_WorkThe morning commute to work can be hectic, but it doesn’t have to be. If you are a current assignment employee of Liberty Staffing Services, we would like to provide you with some tips to help ensure a safe and relaxing morning commute to work. We wish the best for all of our assignment employees.

1. Check the Weather Forecast

Liberty Staffing Services provides temporary and permanent staffing solutions to businesses within southwestern Ontario. As the colder weather begins to settle in, we can expect snow, hail, and icy roads in the weeks ahead. Liberty Staffing Services advises that you check the weather forecast online, on television, or the radio, before your scheduled work shift. If there is bad weather forecasted on your scheduled day of work, plan accordingly and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe arrival to your destination.

If you take public transportation to work, please check bus/train routes well in advance of your scheduled shift. Some forms of public transportation may be running behind schedule, or close their operations due to dangerous weather conditions. If this is the case, please contact Liberty Staffing Services and let us know of your situation.

2. Plan Your Route

Whether you are taking the bus, train, carpooling, or driving, plan your route accordingly. Be aware of road closures, areas of construction, and the forecasted weather.

3. Eat a Balanced Breakfast Beforehand

It’s important to eat a balanced breakfast before you begin your morning commute to work. Not only is it good for your health, but eating a balanced breakfast provides you with energy and nutrients which help in concentration and stimulates brain activity. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  

4. Have a Backup Plan

Prepare a backup plan if you are unsure of your route, the reliability of your mode of transportation, or the weather conditions. It’s good to prepare a backup plan for your safety and peace of mind.

5. Leave Early

Last but not least, leave early to ensure you arrive on time for work. Traffic can be unpredictable, and you never know when there will be an accident or obstruction. Factor these things in and remember to set aside some extra time on your morning commute. Being on time every day is important, and shows your reliability and commitment to the company.

Start the day off right by having a great morning commute and arriving on time for work. If you are running late to your job, please contact Liberty Staffing Services as soon as possible.

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Megan Lacombe

Megan is a Media Communications professional at Liberty Staffing. She has experience working as a Freelance Writer for a variety of companies online. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, running, and kayaking. An avid reader, she reads anything, anywhere. She puts creativity and passion into everything that she does. Her favourite quote is “Create the things you wish existed” by Anonymous.

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