5 Ways to Make Job Fairs the Best Part of Your Job Search

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5-ways-to-make-Job-Fairs-the-Best-Part-of-Your-Job-SearchJob fairs can be an overwhelming experience if you let them. You may feel a bit intimidated by the idea of meeting so many prospective employers in a short time span. What happens if someone decides to give you an informal interview on the spot?

At Liberty Staffing, we’ve seen the power of the job fair, and we encourage every job seeker to attend at least one. With the right preparation and the right attitude, a job fair could very well be the best experience of your job search.

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We collected these tips to help you make the most of the job fair experience.

1. Scope Out Employers Before the Fair

As we said, preparation is key to making the best of your job fair experience. Once you’ve decided to go to a fair, take a look at who else will be in attendance.

Make a list of employers you want to visit, and mark them out on the floor plan. You’ll want to be sure you’re using your time effectively while at the fair, so it’s best to make a map that will let you move through the booths in a streamlined way, instead of ping-ponging through the venue.

Taking this step also allows you to do some background research on employers you may not have heard of before. You could find some new companies worth connecting with. Your research might also reveal that there are some companies that you may not be a good fit for.

2. Print Off Resumes

The next step to take in your job fair preparation is to print off resumes, contact cards, or any other materials you may want to leave with recruiters at the fair. You should be prepared to leave a resume or contact card with almost anyone you talk to.

Before you hit “print,” make sure your resume is up to date. It never hurts to proofread it again. Finally, be sure to print a few extra copies, just in case you end up chatting with an unexpected recruiter.

Be ready to accept contact information from recruiters, or to take brochures and pamphlets when offered.

3. Prepare Some Questions

When you prepare for an interview, it’s recommended you come with a small list of questions for your interviewers. The same is true when you head to a job fair. You’ll want to have a few unique questions ready so that you can stand out to the recruiters and hiring managers you talk to.

Asking insightful questions is a good way to show off both the research you’ve done, and your interest in the company.

By asking questions, you can also determine if you’re a good fit for the company. You may have been excited by the job opportunities on offer, but when you talk to the hiring manager, you might realize you won’t fit in with the team.

4. Talk to Agencies

Another tip for job seekers heading out to job fairs is to talk to some of the agencies in attendance. It can be tempting to go straight to employers, but agencies can open up a world of possibilities you may not have been able to access on your own.

5. Dress to Impress

You only have one chance to impress a future employer or recruiter, so be sure you dress for the occasion. Your appearance is a large part of that impression, so you’ll want to dress professionally, and make sure your hair is neat.

You should also practice body language, as the way you hold yourself and use your hands can communicate a lot about you.

Finally, be ready to have conversations. You never know who you might meet and who will be the best connection to get you that next job.

Liberty Staffing Services regularly attends local job fairs. You may meet us at a job fair one day! If you’re looking for work, get in touch with us. Liberty Staffing Services connects great people with great jobs!


Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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