Are you planning to work as a temp this summer? Many employers in seasonal industries need temps to fill their staffing needs. There are many benefits of finding work through a temp agency. When you work as a temp, you also get new experience and skills to put on your resume. If you perform well, you’ll get a good reference from the employer, and you may even be offered a full-time job.
However, not all temps get good references or offers of full-time employment. Some people make terrible temp mistakes that can hold their careers back. To impress your employer this summer, avoid making any of these terrible temp mistakes.
Showing Up Late for Work
Some temporary workers think showing up on time doesn’t matter. After all, it’s just a summer job, right? While you may have no interest in working with the employer after the end of the summer, it’s still important to show up on time.
If you show up on time, you’ll make a good impression. Your supervisor or manager may give you a good reference, which could help you get your dream job in the future. If you show up late, you could damage your reputation at work or even get fired.
Complaining About Your Job
Being a temp may not be your dream job, but that doesn’t mean you get to complain about it at work. Your summer temp position may be in an industry you’re not excited about. You might not get your first choice of schedule, and the job duties may be boring. No one likes to be around a complainer, so if you complain about these minor issues, you could lose your position.
Try to think about the positive aspects of your summer temp position. Even if the job isn’t perfect, you’ll still be making money. You’ll still be gaining valuable experience that could help you get a more interesting job later.
Not Asking Questions
Temps are hired for specific staffing needs, and your employer may not have a lot of time to invest in training their summer workers. When you arrive for your first day of work, you may be expected to hit the ground running. However, you’re not completely on your own. You’re able to ask questions. Not asking any questions is what sets terrible temp staff apart from good temp staff.
If you’re not sure about anything, ask your supervisor or manager for clarification. Every workplace does things a little bit differently, so you won’t look unknowledgeable if you have to ask some questions.
Violating Safety Rules
Safety rules are in place for a reason. It’s important to follow the safety procedures in the workplace. When you’re in a hurry to finish a task, it can be tempting to take safety shortcuts to save time. Your employer won’t be impressed when they find out that you cut corners.
Breaking safety rules can put you and your coworkers at risk of serious injury. No employer wants to have an accident happen at their workplace. If your employer catches you ignoring safety rules, they may just fire you to protect everyone.
Asking for Full-Time Work
If you land a temp-to-perm job, you may be excited about the possibility of going full-time. For employers, this arrangement lets them try out workers before they commit to hiring them. There’s no guarantee you’ll be hired full-time at the end of your contract. Asking your supervisor to make you a full-time employee can seem pushy, so avoid this terrible temp staff mistake.
If the employer wants to hire you at the end of the contract period, they will. They don’t need to be reminded about their option to hire you. To increase your chances of turning your temp-to-perm job into a full-time job, treat your summer position as an extended interview. Do your best work every day, and you may impress the employer.