How to Find the Best Job Opportunities

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By Lorna Faires

Topics: Job Opportunity


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How_to_Find_the_Best_Job_OpportunitiesOnly an estimated 30 percent of job openings are ever advertised. The other 70 percent never make it to job boards. When you exclusively focus your job hunt on checking out online job boards, you’re missing a ton of amazing, yet hidden, roles.

Because the best job opportunities aren’t publicly advertised anywhere, you have to get proactive in your job search in order to find them, and in turn, be able to apply to them -- that means networking.

Don’t run off now! Networking isn’t all about schmoozing strangers and really just wanting to hide in the bathroom. For your job search, it’s about expanding your circle of connections and spreading the word about your search. It’s about knocking on doors until one opens -- trust us, it’s going to be far more effective than using job boards ever could be—because you’ll have access to hidden job opportunities you didn’t even realize were available.

If you’re sick and tired of seeing and applying to the same mediocre job postings on the web, then this article is for you. Check out how to find the best job opportunities.

Know What You’re Looking For

First things first, you need to narrow your job choices down in order to be strategic in your search. Consider what kind of work you’re looking for and in what sector, what sorts of positions would be ideal, what other important factors, like salary needs, flexibility, etc., you’ll need, and which companies you think you’d like to work for.

Knowing this type of information will help you send out clear, precise messaging when you’re networking, so everyone you connect with will know exactly what you’re looking for in terms of job opportunities.

Tap Your Existing Circles

Now, the first place you should look for job opportunities is within your current circles. You’ll probably know someone who knows someone who knows of a great job opening.

Make a list of the most influential people you know, especially the people who are involved in the fields you’re looking to get into. Now start strengthening your relationships with these friends, acquaintances, colleagues and ex-colleagues, clients and ex-clients, and members of groups or organizations you’ve joined.

Even if you’re a hermit, you’re still bound to have some people in your network—so you have no excuses to skip this step. If you simply ask, many of these people will be willing to help you out, give you recommendations, or offer referrals.

Grow Your Network with Alumni

Your school’s alumni likely have meetings, and attending them is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with people who have the same goals, values, and hobbies as you do. You can also use social media to connect with alumni.

Attend Events

Industry events or even charity events can be great places to meet higher-up professionals who can help you on your job search. If you can get your hands on the attendee list ahead of time, identify one or two people who you’d really like to meet and connect with them to arrange to meet in person at the event.

Take Full Advantage of LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the best social media network to use if you’re on the job hunt and looking to meet others in the industry or connect with specific companies and hiring managers that you have your eye on, so take advantage of it.

Contact a Staffing Agency

If networking isn’t your thing or if you’ve tapped your networks and have still come up empty handed, then a staffing agency can be your best bet. Agencies have deep connections of their own, access to hidden job markets, and strong relationships and exclusive staffing contracts with many companies, so you’ll be more likely to find great job opportunities when you go this route. Plus, it’s free and you get to hand over all of the job-search legwork.

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Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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