Are you a college or university student on summer break? Many college and university courses end in April. Now that May has arrived, and you've had some time to relax from the stress of exams, it's time to search for a summer job.
Attending school is expensive. Summer break is the perfect time to earn some extra money. After all, your availability is wide open now that classes and your exams are complete.
If you're looking for summer work, here are some fool-proof job searching tips to help you gain employment.
Update Your Resume
Your first step would be to update your resume. Make sure to add any new skills you've acquired while in school that are transferable to the professional world. Also update the education section of your resume, especially if you've recent graduated from college/university.
An employer is more likely to hire you with an updated version of your resume. Update your resume in under ten minutes. Once complete, start applying to career opportunities.
Search Job Boards Online
Next, you'll want to scour job boards for opportunities, and apply to positions that interest you. Popular sites with lots of new job opportunities daily include: Indeed, ZipRecruiter, and local sites specific to your geographical area.
Check out Liberty Staffing's job board for our latest openings.
Be Open to All Opportunities
You may have your sights set on a job opportunity in your field of study, especially if you've recently graduated from your program. However, it may be difficult to find a job in your field which does not require any previous experience. Understand that it may take some time to get in your field of work. Appreciate that you may have to take a couple of odd jobs before you land your dream job. But don't get discouraged by this, because odd jobs could turn into something that you enjoy, or they could potentially lead to a promotion in your desired field. It's all about what you make it.
Try not to be too picky when it comes to searching for work. Be open to all opportunities that come your way.
Attend Job Fairs
Job fairs are great for students who are looking for summer work. Job fairs get your name and resume into the hands of many people in a short amount of time. Instead of applying to job opportunity after job opportunity online, simply attend a job fair in your area, hand out your resume, and meet with hiring managers on the spot.
Apply to a Staffing Agency
Lastly, but certainly not least, you can apply to a staffing agency, like Liberty Staffing Services. Liberty Staffing is an independent staffing agency with ten branch locations throughout Ontario. We offer general labour, warehouse, industrial, and office jobs in temporary, temporary to permanent, and permanent opportunities. We have multiple job opportunities available for the summer.
Apply with us today! Contact a Liberty Staffing branch nearest you to schedule an interview.