There are two very common misconceptions of a foolproof hiring strategy: being too specific or being too broad. The latter often occurs because hiring managers have a lot of positions to fill for a project or busy season. When you cast your net too wide, you’re bound to not only receive too many applications for you to process (wasting time and resources), but land bad hires, too.
The best hiring strategies strike a balance between the above extremes while looking for specific talent. One surefire way to ensure you land candidates with skillsets is to engage with a niche staffing firm. Want to know why staffing firms are your best option for finding the right candidates fast? Read on to find out.
Niche Recruiters are Specialists
When you’re looking for candidates to fill specialized roles like machine operators for an industrial business, you’ll want a recruiter who knows where to look. What’s the main difference between internal recruiters and niche recruiters? Niche recruiters make their whole business about pursuing specific industry talent. A firm like Liberty Staffing is a case in point, with our specialty being talent for office, warehouse, and industrial businesses in Ontario.
Your internal recruiters often struggle to find candidates with the right skills because they are already stretched thin on time and resources hiring for all other departments in your business. A niche staffing firm recruiter’s sole job is to find candidates for one field, so they have all resources pooled towards locating and connecting with industry-specific talent.
Niche recruiters also have the inside scoop on how to approach candidates that might be less likely to apply right away for your job postings. These candidates are also known as passive candidates, and are hard sought after since they have exact niche skills and experience.
Staffing Firms Can Offer Several Types of Employees
Working with a niche staffing firm gives you another edge in the form of offering several types of employment options. Sometimes the tricky part of making hiring decisions is related to whether you need (or can afford) a permanent employee. Staffing firms like Liberty Staffing can place temporary or temp-to-permanent staffing candidates at your company. Companies often find that temp-to-permanent is a proficient “try before you hire” strategy for hiring managers who want to be certain they’re making an informed choice.
You need to treat your hiring decisions according to your business’ seasons and current circumstances. Are you experiencing a large rate of turnover at the end of the summer season? Maybe some of your best permanent employees are away on sick or parental leave? What about when you need more personnel for a large-scale project?
Whatever the case may be, your business needs to make hiring decisions accordingly. A niche staffing firm can ensure you solve your evolving staffing issues.
Boost Your Employer Brand
One reason you might not be attracting the candidates you want is because your employer brand is not up to snuff. Employer branding has become just as important as a candidate’s personal branding in 2017. It’s important to how candidates perceive your business and its work culture.
Another way to look at the matter: your employer brand is a recruitment strategy for landing candidates who fit into your company’s culture. Partnering with a niche staffing firm can boost your brand considerably, because candidates who are placed by firm recruiters will see that your company is committed to finding competent talent for its positions.
Don’t underestimate the impact your employer brand has on candidates, but also don’t underestimate how much more informed your hiring decisions become when you engage with niche recruiters!