Some job seekers dream about having a desk job, and working in an office environment. Working on a computer, and sitting at a desk is the dream.
For others, however, sitting at a desk for long periods of time may sound like punishment rather than bliss.
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If the thought of being trapped at a desk for hours on end makes you feel restless, you might want to consider a more physically active role. These jobs will get you up and moving in no time.
Machine Operating
Whether you’re operating an extruder, a brake press machine, or another type of equipment, you’ll be moving much more. Machine Operators tend to do a lot of walking.
In fact, you may be surprised by how much time you spend on the move every day. You might be required to follow parts through your section of the line, moving from checkpoint to checkpoint, or station to station. You may even need to move to operate a couple of machines, or initiate different machine processes.
You could also spend time moving around the plant.
Pickers and Packers Get a Workout
One of the most physically active roles in a warehouse is that of Order Pickers.
Pickers can sometimes feel like they’re doing laps around the warehouse, as they make their way from shelf to shelf and aisle to aisle, looking for the products to fill their orders. Once they arrive at the location of the requested product, they may have to climb ladders, or lift boxes. Then they must carry the products back to be packed up.
Packers may also exert a fair amount of physical labour. They could be required to lift heavy items and loads. They might also return items to shelves. In some warehouses, this role is combined with that of order pickers.
General Labourers are Always on the Move
The responsibilities and duties of a General Labourer vary from company to company, worksite to worksite. In most cases, the general labour role is a very physically active one.
First, you’ll probably spend a good deal of time on your feet, moving between locations. Next, the work itself is often physical in nature. You could find yourself climbing up and down ladders to perform maintenance. You might need to lift items.
Warehouse Shippers and Receivers Need Strength and Endurance
Another physically active warehouse role to consider is that of shipper or receiver. In this role, you’ll do a fair amount of paperwork, but you won’t be tied down to a desk.
Instead, you’ll be helping to load and unload shipments as they arrive in the warehouse. You may have to tote loads to different shelves. You might need to climb ladders, lift boxes, and more.
Given that you’ll be engaged in these tasks for almost your entire shift, it’s imperative that you have both strength and endurance for a shipper/receiver position.
In short, there’s plenty of physically active jobs to get your heart rate up. If you’re ready to take on one of these positions, get in touch with Liberty Staffing today! We’ll help you find a great active role.