Vote for Liberty Staffing in the Our London Readers' Choice Contest

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By Lisa Hutchinson

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Vote_for_Liberty_Staffing_in_the_Our_London_Readers_Choice_Contest.jpgWe asked for your nomination and you delivered! Liberty Staffing’s London office has recently been nominated in the Our London Readers’ Choice contest. Our London is an online community newspaper. Our London is giving you the opportunity to vote for your favourite businesses in London, Ontario.

Liberty Staffing is seeking your vote in the business and service, employment agency category. If you have worked with us, and you've enjoyed your experience, we encourage you to vote for our business. Liberty Staffing first opened in London in 2001. We connect great people with great jobs!

The voting process is simple and easy to complete. To vote, please complete the following steps:

Step 1


Step 2

Click the "Login/Register" button in the top right hand corner. Login by registering your email address or signing in through a social media account. 

Step 3

Choose the "Business and Service" category. 

Step 4

Select “Employment Agencies”.

Step 5

Press the “Vote” button beside Liberty Staffing.

Deadline to vote in the Our London Readers’ Choice contest is Thursday February 25, 2016 at midnight.

Thank you for voting! Liberty Staffing greatly appreciates your support.New Call-to-action

Lisa Hutchinson

I started with Liberty Staffing in 2004 as the Regional Business Manager of the London office. I have over 20 years of experience in the customer service and retail sectors, as well as leadership experience including Store Management, People Development and Recruiting. In 2016, our London location moved to a larger office in order to accommodate growth of our business, which included adding a Clerical Division.

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