Have you landed a video interview with a promising company? First off, congratulations! Obtaining an interview is hard, even in Ontario's current record-low unemployment market. Your next step is to have a successful interview to land the job.
Often, many job seekers make common mistakes in interviews which, unfortunately, cost them the position. For example, many candidates highlight bad attributes, or talk too little/too much, etc. These are all big no-nos. Some individuals simply just get too nervous during an interview. You want to make sure that you ace this.
If this is your first time doing a video interview, here's what you should do in preparation. Even a skilled video interviewer will want to look over this article. Read on.
Test All Equipment Beforehand
Make sure that you know what program the employer will be using to connect with you via video. Will they be using Skype? FaceTime, perhaps? The most important thing to know is when your interview will be, and what platform you will be using.
Once you have all that information handy, it's best to test out all the equipment prior to your scheduled video interview. Test out the video program, your headset, microphone, etc. Test out the equipment beforehand to ensure that everything starts smoothly.
Dress Professionally
Most rookies make the mistake of not dressing professionally for a video interview. We've heard countless stories of candidates dressing professionally from the waist up, because they think that the employer can only see your top half during video interviews.
What if you have to grab a pen to take notes? If you're wearing a dress shirt and pajama bottoms, you certainly wouldn't stand up and show your interviewer this. So make sure to dress professionally, fully.
Be Ready to Take Notes
There's nothing worse than getting halfway through your video interview and realizing that you don't have a pen or paper nearby when you should be taking notes. After all, you should be asking lots of questions during the interview process, not just answering questions posed by the employer. The interview process is all about getting to know the company, the position, and finding out if the job is right for you, as much as if you would be a good fit for the role. It's imperative that you have a pad of paper and a pen near you during the video interview process.
Have Your Resume Handy
Similarly, you should also have your resume at-the-ready during a video interview. Your resume can act as a reference guide for you. So when an employer asks how many years you've been working at company X, it's okay to briefly look at your resume for a refresher. Remember to keep strong eye contact with your interviewer though.
Turn Off All Other Devices
There's nothing worse than your phone ringing during an interview. Make sure to turn off all of your electronic devices before you head into your interview. You don't want any distractions. Of course, you will need to keep your computer/tablet on if you are using it for the video, but everything else should be turned off. This means you should also look into logging off from your social media accounts, which may alert you of notifications.
Find a Quiet Space
You want to look as professional as possible during your video interview. Find a quiet space to perform your video interview. You don't want any distractions in the background, and you also want to be able to hear the interviewer's questions clearly. Stay away from public spaces with lots of people and noise. A quiet space at home would be ideal.
Need more video interview tips? Contact Liberty Staffing Services today! We wish you the best of luck in your interview.