Hiring part time employees is an effective way to meet your staffing needs, reduce overtime pay, and create more flexibility in your workplace.
When you are ready to find qualified, hardworking part timers to join your team, reach out to us at Liberty Staffing! We are here to find solutions for your staffing challenges, including finding plenty of part time workers to make your business run more smoothly.
Why is hiring part time staff such a good idea? Let’s look at the benefits!
Fix Understaffing Issues Faster
Many Canadian businesses are still experiencing labour shortages. The reasons for this are plentiful, and they include people leaving the workforce due to the pandemic, a decrease in immigration numbers, and an aging population.
If you work for one of the countless businesses struggling to find enough staff to meet your productivity needs, you are not alone!
Here is a common problem: If you only list full time positions at your company, that means you are only speaking to job seekers looking for full time work.
By providing part time jobs, you make yourself appealing to a wider range of candidates. Why limit yourself to people seeking full time work when there are so many more job seekers out there?
Many job seekers want part time work because they need flexible hours in order to care for family members, go to school, or even work multiple jobs. Creating positions for these valuable team members will help you staff your business faster rather than only accepting applicants for full time positions.
Save Costs on Overtime
When a business is understaffed, it often comes to depend heavily on its existing workforce. This can mean a lot of overtime hours.
Overtime hours are certainly appealing to some full time workers who want the extra pay, but they can also lead to people feeling overworked or undervalued. This, in turn, increases your turnover rate, which is a costly and frustrating reality for employers that are already experiencing staffing issues.
Another concern, of course, is that overtime costs your business more money! It is always better to pay a part time worker for their time than it is to pay a full time employee your overtime rates.
Hiring part time workers saves money on the overtime you might otherwise pay to your full time team. Part time workers can fill in the gap, covering those additional staffing hours. They can also take on a few extra hours here and there without dipping into an overtime payscale.
Give Part Time Workers a “Trial Run” Before Offering Full Time Hours
Just like temporary workers, part time employees can be seen as “trial-run” workers. If they do a great job, you can always offer them full time work!
If, on the other hand, you end up facing performance issues from your part time hire, you can implement disciplinary or termination procedures without losing a full time staff member.
Increase Your Overall Workplace Flexibility
Having plenty of part time workers in your company can lead to an increase in workplace flexibility.
You likely already know that workplace flexibility is considered a high priority for today’s job seekers. But did you realize that part time staff can help you create the flexibility that candidates are looking for?
Part time positions are often more flexible than full time positions because people who fill these jobs can schedule their work around other commitments.
Your full time workers will also benefit from having part time staff around. Part timers can fill in during vacations, illnesses, and schedule changes.
Reduce Worker Burnout
During these days of understaffing, the last thing you want to do is see an increase in worker burnout!
Keeping your employees satisfied and refreshed is an important responsibility for today’s business and hiring managers.
Part time employees can help to reduce the levels of stress and burnout in your workplace. First of all, they are less likely to become burned out on their work because they are not committing such a large amount of time to their job every week. Second, they alleviate the stress that is felt by full time workers who are under pressure due to understaffing or extra overtime.
Find Highly Qualified Candidates Through a Staffing Agency
A staffing agency can help you find the workers you need without the stress of a complicated hiring process.
Staffing agencies match qualified job candidates with the right employers. That means considering scheduling needs, part time or full time work, temporary positions, workplace flexibility, company culture, and more.
Liberty Staffing has been helping businesses in Southern Ontario find great workers since 1999. Our work goes beyond just filling spots, although helping companies avoid being understaffed is definitely important to us. It’s also about finding the right candidates for you.
When you’re ready to start seeing the benefits of adding more part time workers to your current staffing strategy, contact Liberty Staffing to learn how we can help!