Checklist to Create an Effective Resume

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By Megan Lacombe

Topics: Your Resume


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Checklist_to_Create_an_Effective_Resume.jpgYour resume is the first point of contact that you have with a potential employer. Therefore, it’s imperative that you send out the best possible version of your resume. The next time you’re writing, updating, and sending off your resume to a job opportunity, make sure you’ve checked off these items beforehand. They could make-or-break your chance of landing an interview.

Legible Font

It’s important to have a resume that is easy for the employer/hiring manager to read. After all, if an employer cannot read your resume, they will not take the time to decipher it. Illegible resumes often get thrown in the trash. To avoid this from happening, make sure to choose a legible font and size for your entire resume.

Chronological Order 

List your work history and experiences in chronological order. You want to make sure that your resume is as clear as possible, so that the potential employer is not left feeling confused. A resume that is straight-forward, and formatted chronologically, will help your chances of gaining that next step: an interview.

Correct Contact Information

Probably the most important thing that you need to do is have the correct contact information listed on your resume. The main goal with sending out your resume is to have employers/hiring managers contact you to come in for an interview. If you’re contact information is incorrect, there is bound to be a miscommunication, and you will most likely never hear back from an employer.

Two Pages Maximum 

Any resume that is longer than two pages is a big no-no. Employers/hiring managers do not have time to read a lengthy resume. So keep things short and sweet, and keep your resume to a maximum of two pages.

If you have checked off all of these tips, then your resume is ready to be sent off to that job opportunity! Need more resume writing tips? Contact Liberty Staffing today for more information. New Call-to-action

Megan Lacombe

Megan is a Media Communications professional at Liberty Staffing. She has experience working as a Freelance Writer for a variety of companies online. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, running, and kayaking. An avid reader, she reads anything, anywhere. She puts creativity and passion into everything that she does. Her favourite quote is “Create the things you wish existed” by Anonymous.

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