Is Your New Hire Relocating for a Job? Tips to Help Them Relocate Successfully

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By Lorna Faires

Topics: new employees, Relocation, New Hire


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Is-Your-New-Hire-Relocating-For-A-Job-Tips-To-Help-Them-Relocate-Successfully-1Today’s employers are willing to look further afield for the right job candidate. In some industries, you’ll have to put talent above all else, and even then you may have trouble finding the right person.

Employees are more open to moving for the right job. Relocation is a challenging process, and many employers are worried that their new hire will relocate, then not work out. With these tips, you can help a new hire negotiate the relocation process, and get settled into their new job with ease.

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Offer a Single Point of Contact

The relocation process can be confusing, or even overwhelming, for a new employee. If they’re unfamiliar with the area, they may need help figuring out how to get to the new office. They might not be familiar with the real estate market, and it could take them some time to find a suitable place to live.

One thing you can do is offer them a single point of contact. They’re probably communicating with many different people about moving their belongings, signing rental agreements, and more. Streamline your communications with them by designating one person to help them.

Give Them Helpful Information and Insights

Your new employee may appreciate information about their new location. This can range from putting them in touch with a local real estate agent, to sending them maps of local transit networks.

You could also offer information about the community, such as great places to eat, or free entertainment. If your community offers a “welcome wagon” style program, enroll the new employee so they can access great resources to help them settle in to their new community.

Assign a Relocation Mentor

You may not be able to offer much assistance with locating housing, but you can help your new employee settle in to your workplace more easily. If it’s possible, assign an older employee to help “mentor” the new hire through their relocation process.

This employee might be someone who is familiar with the relocation process, or they could be an expert on your community. They should also be well versed in the company culture. If it’s possible, choose someone in a similar role or position.

This contact gives the new employee another resource to rely on if they have questions. They can also help the new hire integrate into the workplace, which could alleviate one source of stress, and make them less likely to leave.

Be Flexible with Start Dates

If you absolutely must have someone start on a particular date, it might be a good idea to hire closer to home. Otherwise, being flexible with the start date for your new hire can take some stress off their shoulders. Sometimes, the process of moving or finding a suitable place to live takes longer than you might expect. Flexibility regarding the start date gives the employee breathing room.

Use Technology

If it’s possible, you can assist your employee before they relocate with the use of technology. This could mean they start completing some of their duties remotely. It might mean they can move through your orientation and onboarding materials before they start on-site.

Offer Relocation Assistance

It’s not in every employer’s budget to offer relocation assistance. If you can offer any sort of assistance, though, it will go a long way to aiding your new employee.

You may not be able to offer a large reimbursement or relocation stipend, but you could help in other ways. Think about paying for a moving service, or reimbursing them for moving supplies. A little can go a long way.

Looking to Hire?

If you’re on the hunt for talented employees, no matter where they might be, it’s time to team up with Liberty Staffing. We can help you find the people you need, when you need them.

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Lorna Faires

I’ve been employed with Liberty Staffing since 2006. As a Director of Regional Service Operations, I use my years of experience in the staffing industry to build strong relationships with new and existing clients, ensuring they are receiving the absolute best service that we can provide to them. I am the go-to person for any issues that may arise and can help to troubleshoot and come up with a variety of custom solutions for any situation. I love all animals, but especially my 3 dogs. Hiking and canoeing are my passions, and getting out into nature and being unplugged is my favourite way to spend my vacations.

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