The number of companies using temporary staff and the number of workers currently in temporary jobs are at an all-time high. The myths surrounding temp work have been dispelled and the negative connotations surrounding the industry are long gone. Now more than ever, people are seeing the benefits of temporary staffing.
From administrative work to manufacturing, warehousing, IT, and everything in between, temporary staffing is a trend that just keeps growing, in virtually every industry.
Employers Enjoy Increased Flexibility
For many companies, temporary staffing is an integral part of their overall business strategies. Being able to better manage labour needs when supply and demand fluctuates can mean the difference between a profit and a year in the red. Temporary staffing is important to their bottom line. It allows employers to save on costs like benefits, RSPs, and vacation and sick days.
It also allows employers to have the flexibility to have as much or as little staff as they need, when they need it. And it allows them to get special projects handled, big workloads taken care of, and shifts covered when needed. Plus, when engaging the right agency, the temp workers are qualified and experienced, so there’s no settling on quality, either. And if the timing’s right, using temporary staffing can be an excellent way for employers to test out new workers before hiring.
Economic Uncertainty
Most importantly, though, with a precarious economy, employers are reluctant and hesitant to expand their permanent, full-time workforces. The thought of having to lay off workers if the economy dips is nerve-wracking. Oftentimes, they’d rather deal with a skeleton crew and overworking than to make a commitment to new workers they might not be able to keep. With temporary staffing, they can take a conservative approach to expansion, without as much of the financial risk. If things go bad, they can simply return the temps to their agency instead of having to employ workers they simply can’t afford.
Customers Benefit, Too
Not only do the businesses benefit from uninterrupted workflow but customers also benefit from better service when companies aren’t understaffed, overworked, or overstressed. When an employer overworks its staff members, morale can dip. They may not put on the smile they need because they’re stressed, missing their families, and need a break. Being overworked can also cause an increase in the probability of mistakes occurring, which isn’t good for businesses but certainly isn’t good for the customers, either. When a company has a full staff whenever it needs it, the customers benefit in the long run.
The Benefits for Workers
For many people, temp staffing can mean the difference between being able to pay their bills and being short for the month—the difference between being employed or unemployed. For others, it allows for scheduling freedom and flexibility when work and personal lives don’t mesh. And for others still, it means gaining new skills, experience, and connections while getting a foot in the door and getting valuable work to add to their resumes. Temp workers get paid the same as permanent workers and benefit from the variety of jobs and employers, all the while making cash, whether they only want to work casually for the time being or they’re actively pursuing a full-time career. Not to mention, many temp jobs turn into permanent opportunities, for those who want them.
It’s clear, then, that temp staffing is an important part of business. Not only do employers profit from a flexible workforce, but customers reap the rewards of better service, and employees who work the temp jobs benefit, too.