5 Myths About Staffing Agencies You Probably Have Heard

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By Megan Lacombe


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5-Myths-About-Staffing-Agencies-You-Probably-Have-HeardWith unemployment being so high and so many job seekers desperately trying to find work, it’s hard to believe that so many of them haven’t signed up to work with a staffing agency yet. After all, a large majority of companies work with staffing agencies, so it seems like a logical choice to hop on board and get help finding work.

Unfortunately, misconceptions about staffing agencies have made a lot of job seekers hesitant to work with them—they don’t understand how they work and they don’t see the value. To get you to better understand the staffing industry and see the benefits of working with a reputable firm, here are five common myths debunked.

They’re Only Good for Temp and Low-Level Jobs

There are some staffing agencies that specialize in temp staffing and finding lower-level jobs, but there are thousands of agencies to choose from and each one will work with different clientele for different types of projects.

When the industry was in its infancy, firms did focus on administrative type jobs, but the industry has evolved drastically over the last few decades and there’s now a job for just about every job seeker. It’s also not uncommon for temp jobs to turn into full-time positions or for temp employment to run for months or even years at a time.

They Wouldn’t Understand My Industry

Many staffing agencies work within a certain niche—from technology and financial fields to agriculture, manufacturing, and beyond. Firms work in virtually every industry and they have extensive experience hiring within their niches. You may have to look around, but you will be able to find a firm that works in your business sector, and doing so will optimize your chances of landing a great job.

They’ll Take a Cut of Your Pay Cheques

This is a common misconception but it’s totally untrue. Reputable staffing firms don’t take any of your hard-earned cash—you get to keep every nickel you make. They make their money by charging a small fee to the clients they recruit for—not from their candidates.

Staffing Firms Don’t Pay Well

False. Staffing firms know how employment works. They want to get the top talent out there and they know they have to pay competitive rates to get the best candidates. What they pay is on par with industry standards and sometimes they even pay higher than regular jobs because companies come to them in search of quality workers to perform quality work—and they’re willing to pay for it.

Working with a Staffing Agency Will Hinder Your Job Search

A staffing agency will actually help you on your job search. Employers are hesitant to hire candidates that have big gaps in their resumes. When you work temp jobs, you not only get to fill those gaps but you get to showcase all of the new skills, experience, and expertise that you’ve acquired while working with a variety of different companies on several different projects or in varied roles. Plus, it shows that you can adapt to new environments and aren’t scared of taking on new challenges. A temp job can also get your foot in the door in the industry that you hope to work for, opening up opportunities that could be unavailable to you on your own.

Now that we’ve debunked these five common myths about staffing agencies, you probably understand the benefits of working with one. They provide great paying jobs in your industry of choice and provide you with new skills and experience.  

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Megan Lacombe

Megan is a Media Communications professional at Liberty Staffing. She has experience working as a Freelance Writer for a variety of companies online. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, running, and kayaking. An avid reader, she reads anything, anywhere. She puts creativity and passion into everything that she does. Her favourite quote is “Create the things you wish existed” by Anonymous.

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