The third wave of COVID is here. Returning to the office may be far off on the horizon right now, with COVID-19 cases currently rising in Ontario. But vaccinations are starting to roll out, and you’ll need to think about the possibility of returning to the office.
Whenever you transition back to the office after working from home due to the pandemic, you are likely to feel some complex emotions about the situation. You may be excited about going back into the office, and getting back into a routine of seeing people in-person, commuting to work, and socializing during breaks. Some of us thrive on in-person interactions. Or you may feel anxious and uncertain about returning to work. You may be worried about contracting COVID, or you may be aware of changes that have happened in your company since the pandemic hit.
Here are a few tips to help you transition from remote to on-site work.
1. Establish New Routines
As human beings, we love routines. They help us feel centered and calm, and their predictability is often a real comfort to us. When it comes to returning to the office, think about establishing some new routines.
Before you jump into starting new routines, evaluate your old habits. Is there anything you definitely want to continue doing? Or are there things you would like to avoid going back to? Ask yourself questions like: what did I like/dislike about my morning routine once I arrived at the office? Was there anything I did at certain times of day that I’m excited to do again?
Establishing new routines that you’re excited about can help you smoothly transition back into on-site working.
2. Continue to Practice Social Distancing
Even post-pandemic, social distancing is likely to continue to be a part of everyone’s lives. When you return to the office in-person, it’s likely that your work station has been moved farther away from your colleagues than in the past. There will also be no hand shaking happening in the office.
Prepare yourself for these little changes, and don’t be surprised when things look a bit different when you return to the office. Continue to practice social/physical distancing at work. Following workplace health rules/regulations is imperative right now.
3. Work Outside, if Possible
Many companies encourage their teams to meet outside, where there is more air circulation. If you’re lucky enough to have good weather, and your supervisor says it’s okay to do so, consider having meetings, working, and eating meals outside.
4. Develop Good Mask Hygiene
Employers may enforce mask requirements long after local mandates are lifted. It makes sense to be prepared for ongoing masking, especially in the workplace.
Keep extra clean masks in the car, your bag, or at your workstation/desk. Wash reusable masks regularly (after every shift). And don’t forget to keep that mask up over your nose!
Looking for In-Person Work?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of people to think about a major career change. Are you someone who is seeking a change? Maybe you are looking to get back into the workforce after a period of unemployment, or maybe you need to find a job that better meets your post-pandemic needs.
At Liberty Staffing, we connect great people with great jobs! We have multiple branch locations across Ontario, so regardless of where you are in the province, you don’t have to go far to find a recruiter that is ready to help you find a great on-site job.
Contact us today and we can help you find your next great in-person job opportunity!