8 Top Skills for Manufacturing Personnel

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By Megan Lacombe

Topics: Job Seekers, Manufacturing


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8-top-skills-for-manufacturing-personnel-thumbLooking for a career in the manufacturing industry? You are not alone! Manufacturing is a growing industry throughout Canada. 

It is smart to think about the kinds of skills you should develop when applying for manufacturing jobs. If you need advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced staffing agency. You can contact Liberty Staffing today with questions about how to get started in the manufacturing industry. 

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Some skills are in especially high demand for manufacturing applicants. Let’s take a look at what employers are looking for in their new hires. 

1. Experience within the Manufacturing Industry

If you have experience with machining, fabrication, or assembly, you are probably going to jump to the top of the list of the hiring manager at any manufacturing company. That’s because having experience in one aspect of manufacturing is often convertible to other job responsibilities.

That said, you aren’t out of luck if you are brand new to the industry. You may start out at the “ground level” if this is your first manufacturing job, but everyone has to start somewhere. 

2. Coding & Programming Experience

Many aspects of manufacturing are now based on computers and coding. Developing your coding skills is definitely a way to stand out from the crowd. Having a background in computer science, software development, or coding can make you a great asset to a manufacturing company. 

3. An Interest in Robotics

Robotics skills are relevant in established and emerging manufacturing technologies. Imagine how much of a service you can provide to your employer if you can repair robotic systems, program robotics, monitor system performance, and guide the optimization process for their automated systems. 

When you work on your resumé, don’t forget to include things like robotics teams, robotics classes, and recreational robotics activities as one of your experiences. 

4. Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is all about solving problems in effective and creative ways. Being a critical thinker means that you do not wait for other people to solve problems. You jump right in and contribute solutions and ideas. 

When you go into your first interview, it is a great idea to have one or two examples of times when you have solved complicated problems, whether at work, school, or somewhere else. Not only does it provide you with a great answer to a common interview question, but it also shows off your critical thinking skills. 

5. Worker Reliability

Employers want to build a team that is made up of consistent, reliable workers. No manager wants to hire people who show up late, struggle with absenteeism, or fail to perform their job duties. 

How can you demonstrate your reliability in an interview? Having a good recommendation from a previous employer can help, but so can showing up on time, following through every time you are contacted, and being professional and confident in all of your communication. 

6. Welding

The Canadian Welders Association understands that welding is an essential part of the manufacturing industry. This skill, which can be learned through welding classes, an apprenticeship, or on-the-job training, provides you with a desirable manufacturing skill. If you are not sure where to start, consider pursuing trade certification in welding.

7. Leadership Skills

Leadership skills are desirable across countless industries! When you demonstrate strong leadership skills, management recognizes that you have the potential to be an important player within the company.

Good leaders are thoughtful. They are clear communicators and they are authentic with both superiors and subordinates. They don’t engage in workplace pettiness and they try to find ways to support their coworkers. 

This is another skill that can be emphasized on a resumé, regardless of where you have worked previously. Leadership transfers easily from one job to another. Employers understand that if you demonstrated leadership at your previous job (or jobs), then you will likely continue to be a leader in the new workplace.

8. Soft Skills

Soft skills are a bit of a buzzword these days. That does not mean that their importance has been exaggerated though. 

Softs skills, like leadership skills, are highly desirable regardless of the industry. Manufacturing companies want to hire people with soft skills because it leads to better retention, higher productivity, and ultimately more profit. 

Soft skills include things like work ethic, career management, professional writing, teamwork, digital literacy and skills, professionalism, and problem solving.

Liberty Staffing Can Help You Find a Manufacturing Job

At Liberty Staffing, one of our strengths is matching people with great manufacturing jobs. We help those who have already been in the industry, as well as those who are looking for their first-ever manufacturing position. 

Contact us today to get started! 


Megan Lacombe

Megan is a Media Communications professional at Liberty Staffing. She has experience working as a Freelance Writer for a variety of companies online. In her free time, she enjoys crafting, photography, running, and kayaking. An avid reader, she reads anything, anywhere. She puts creativity and passion into everything that she does. Her favourite quote is “Create the things you wish existed” by Anonymous.

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